Colubrina elliptica
With a beautiful trunk, plated with chunks of orange – brown bark and a height of only 20 to 40 feet, Soldierwood is one of the most interesting medium sized trees to plant near a home. When mixed with Gumbo Limbo, Simpson Stopper and other plants with exfoliating bark, the effect is enchanting.
This endangered tree is found only in the Upper Keys and Biscayne National Park. It is not salt tolerant, yet is very drought tolerant.
The tiny seeds of Soldierwood make a soft popping sound as they explode from their quarter inch round pod. Stand under a tree in late summer and listen to the sound as the pods heat in the sun and the seeds are ejected.
Although not a berry producing tree, the bark hides insects for the birds to find. The 4 inch light green leaves glow in the light. Try a closely spaced stand of Soldierwood mixed with Willow Bustic, Pigeon Plum, Gumbo Limbo, Wild Tamarind, White Stopper, Milkbark and if you dare, Poisonwood for the look of the dark forests of the Florida Keys.
All of these trees will develope tall straight trunks when planted close together with various shades of white, orange, green, gray, black and brown. Try several of the same tree together to produce a grove that highlights its color.
Soldierwood will branch out when young, so you may need to prune to a single leader.
Now for the fun part:
Maubi, Mauby, Mabi and Mavi.
These are different names for a popular Caribbean drink made from the bark of Soldierwood or its relative Coffee Colubrina, Colubrina arborescens.
This is a bittersweet drink that at first tastes like root beer, but then leaves a lingering bitter taste. It is an acquired taste and is said to lower blood pressure, cure impotence (and then some) along with other ailments. You can find this drink for sale in Caribbean markets. please see for more information.