This is the start of the Florida Scrub planting. The sand is “Clean Fill” from a local garden center which matches our local scrub sand perfectly.
This is a mix of plants from both local and Central Florida scrub. They include Wild Coffee, Hercules Club, Chapman’s, Myrtle and Scrub Live Oak, Southern Slash Pine, Hog Plum, Tough Bumelia, Scrub Redbay, Pineland Croton and Sabal etonia. The Necklacepod comes from the scrub portion of Juno Hills Preserve where scrub and coastal hammock blend together. Snowberry is also found in the scrub.
Wildflowers include: Beardtongue, Silkgrass, Spiderwort, Chapman’s Goldenrod, Bluecurls and Pineland Dropseed.