This is the start of the butterfly garden at Abbey Delray, a retirement community in Delray Beach. Some Rosemary was left along with a specimen Jatropha.

In just four months, from June to October, the bare site above top has grown into a crowd pleasing garden with several species of butterflies breeding here. These include Zebra Longwings, several types of Sulfur butterflies, Giant Swallowtails, Monarchs and Atala Hairstreaks. Hopefully Palemedes Swallowtails, Gulf Fritillaries and Ruddy Daggerwings will come too.
The shrubs and trees include Redbay, Shortleaf Fig, Blackbead, Inkwood, Firebush, Coontie, Chapman’s Cassia, Bahama Strongbark and Pavonia. Most of the flowers are long lived and include: Twinflower, Silkgrass, Fogfruit, Mimosa and Seaside Goldenrod.
The short lived wildflowers include: Gaillardia, Southern Beebalm, and Southeast Sunflower. These provide a burst of color, but will need to be cut back and fertilized in order to regrow and bloom again. It may be necessary to rub the seedheads over the ground and nurture the seedlings that come up or just replant these again next year.