Biscayne Prickly Ash
Zanthoxylum coriaceum
Biscayne Prickly Ash is tolerant of occasional salt breezes yet no salt water flooding. This large native shrub or small tree grows from Key Biscayne to Southern Palm Beach County within the coastal hammocks.
It is very drought tolerant with dark green, shiny compound leaves and unisexual flowers. The shiny black seeds are borne in clusters and are eaten by cardinals and other seed eating birds and the larva of the giant swallowtail butterfly feeds on the foliage.
Due to the prickles on this plant, it is recommended that it be planted away from where people walk. Incorporate into a butterfly garden by planting other plants around it to keep people away.
Mix with Wild Coffee, Saw Palmetto, Firebush, Marlberry, Stoppers and other hammock species in full sun. A super planting for giant swallowtail butterfly larva includes these three citrus relatives: Wild Lime, Hercules Club and Biscayne Prickly Ash.
These three will keep most caterpillars off your citrus trees. Just move caterpillars to the above plants if they show up on your orange tree.
These last three are all prickly, which makes them perfect for keeping people out of delicate parts of the garden and to block off areas that people may use to cut through your yard. You might want to put up a warning sign.