Black Ironwood
Krugiodendron ferreum
Black Ironwood has the hardest wood in North America and will withstand strong winds. The rounded shape and average height of 15 feet, although it can grow to 30 feet, make this a great specimen tree. The small oval leaves are shiny and the trunk is up to 10 inches in diameter.
Black Ironwood occurs naturally along our coast, yet is protected by the front vegetation. Rich, dry soil is required and extra care to water and fertilize during establishment are needed.
The root system is fibrous and non invasive but brittle. It should be handled with care when planting. This tree is very drought tolerant when established.
The one third inch black berries, produced in late summer are well liked by birds and are sweet and edible for humans. They dry before falling, so are not messy.
Cold tolerance of Black Ironwood extends to Brevard County. Grow as a specimen with low ground covers to show it off. Try mixing with other coastal hammock species like Gumbo Limbo, Paradise Tree, Lancewood, the Stoppers, Inkwood, Crabwood or any of the other coastal species.
If a one inch diameter branch dies, cut it off and make an 18 inch dowel out of it. You can use this to start a fire by twisting the point into a dry softwood branch like Mahoe.
I make a small bow with a two foot length of willow branch and chord and twist it once around the dowel.
Just move the bow back and forth while holding the top in place with a piece of hardwood plate. OK, it does take a few minutes with dry grass next to the point to actually get a fire going.