Crossopetalum rhacoma
Rhacoma or Maidenberry is a native shrub with a fountain-like growth of arching stems, rising from a base of low growth, that may reach eight feet tall. Sometimes it grows as a low groundcover only 12 inches high. You can force this by trimming off the taller shoots.
The small red berries occur most of the year. These are eaten by birds and are not poisonous, in fact they are quite sweet.
Rhacoma is found in some of the Keys and Miami Rocklands in limerock or sand. It is not tolerant of salt air or water yet grows near the edge of salt marshes just above the high water line. Here, the wind gives it a bonsai-like shape.
It is surprisingly tolerant of soil with pea or rice gravel in it such as near a driveway or house. These gravels are made of crushed lime rock.
Maidenberry is a tough plant that grows well through Palm Beach County in full sun and rich soil. It needs a little fertilizer to look its best.
The fountain-like growth and red berries make this a good rock garden plant when mixed with low ground covers. These may include Quailberry, various Cacti, Pineland Petunia, Havana Scullcap, Melanthera pumila, Beach Alternanthera, Beach Creeper, Coontie, and Sea Purslane to name a few.
Larger plants to mix with Rhacoma include Silver Palm, Key Thatch, Florida Thatch Palm, Buccaneer Palm, Sea lavender, Joewood, Lignum Vitae, Black Torch and other shrubs of the Keys.