Whiteflower Passionvine
Passiflora multiflora
This endangered native passionvine is found mainly in the upper Keys. It does well in Palm Beach County and can take near freezing temperatures. The three inch leaves have short, soft hairs on them. Not tolerant of saltwater flooding or salt air.
This is a fast grower that will climb up the nearest tree and pour down from its branches. The small white flowers are in dense clusters and give off a sweet fragrance; stand down wind for a treat. Many pollinators visit the flowers and birds pick off the pellet sized berries.
The vines live for decades and the stems become quite thick over time, yet there is no underground suckering. Control of this vine is easy with occasional trimming.
Grows well in moderately fertile soil and takes drought very well. Plant next to a tree, fence or even in a hanging basket where you can easily watch butterflies lay their eggs. These will develop into butterflies over a few weeks.
Zebra longwings, gulf fritillaries and Julia butterflies lay many eggs on this vine. If you have a few butterflies around, they will soon become quite plentiful. In summer the vines are alive with hovering female butterflies looking for new growth to lay their eggs on.
The male zebra longwings mate with the female just before she emerges from her chrysalid. There are often several hovering around her. Sometimes zebra longwings and gulf fritillaries become so excited by this plant that they…well, see this picture. Shocking, isn’t it?
Julia butterflies were rare in our yard until we planted this vine. Now they are regulars.
If the yard has Firebush, Bloodberry, Salvia, Keys Thoroughwort and other nectar sources, there will be many butterflies from spring to winter.