Jacquinia keyensis
Joewood is a very slow growing shrub or small tree of the Florida Keys. It grows from four to 10 feet tall in a round shape with interesting twisted branches, much like a bonsai, and has mottled white bark.
The flowers are very fragrant in creamy masses and occur during the summer. These are followed by pea sized yellow or orange red berries that are important wildlife food, yet may be poisonous to humans.
This hardy tree naturally occurs in the zone between the mangroves and hammock in the Florida Keys and is tolerant of salt air, short periods of salt water flooding and sandy or calcium rich soil.
Joewood grows well in Palm Beach County. Mix with any of the native Thatch Palms, Quailberry, Coontie, Lignum Vitae, Buccaneer Palm, rocks, or just gravel or mulch. It should be given good fertilizer, lots of sun and a rich organic soil to maximize its growth. This tree must be placed where it will be noticed and not hidden by other material.
When grown in the nursery, I find it difficult to produce a strong root system on this plant. Care must be taken to gently push it out of the pot and handle it carefully when placing it in the planting hole. Water and fertilize until established and it will become independent and beautiful.
Treat it well, and Joewood will become one of your most prized specimens.